Friday, October 31, 2008

Mark 9-10

  • In Mark 9, a man brings his demon possessed son to the disciples. Verse 18 says that the disciples could not cast out the spirit. In verse 25, Jesus commands the evil spirit to come out of the boy and it does. Why did the evil spirit obey Jesus and not the disciples? Is this text suggesting that some deliverance situations may be more difficult for us than others (remember, the disciples had cast out demons before)? What instruction does Jesus give us in Mark 9:29?
  • Mark 10:17-22 - The rich young ruler encounters Jesus. Compare this man's response to Jesus with Matthew's response to Jesus in Matthew 9:9-13.


Lynda said...

I questioned why the disciples were able to cast out some demons and not others when frist reading this. Jesus tells them that "This kind can only come out by prayer". He is also showing us that some things we will go through we can only get through them through prayer. I have found this to be very true in many difficult times that I have gone through.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lynda