Saturday, October 18, 2008

Matthew 26-28

Soak in the work of the Rescuer. I was nearly breathless as I read the work of redemption that our Lord accomplished in these chapters. Here is Matthew's listing of the events:

  • His anointing at Bethany, His betrayal by Judas, His time with the Disciples, His giving of the Lord's Supper, His prediction of Peter's denial, His praying in Gethsemane, His arrest, His trial, Peter's unfaithfulness, Judas hanging himself, Jesus stands before Pilate, Barabbas is released, Jesus is condemned to be crucified, He is severly beaten, soldiers mock Him, Simon the Cyrene carries the cross, Jesus is crucified at Golgotha, Jesus dies, the veil of The Temple is torn in two from the top to the bottom, the earth quakes and splits, Jesus is buried in Joseph of Arimathea's tomb, guard is posted at tomb, Mary Magdalene and another Mary come to the tomb on the first day of the week, the earth quakes, many dead are resurrected and walk in Jerusalem, an angel rolls back the stone, guards fall down like dead men, angel speaks to the women - "He is not here, for He is risen as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.", women rush to tell the disciples, Jesus meets with the women saying, "Rejoice! Do not be afraid. Go tell My brethren to go to Galilee and there they will see Me.", soldiers are bribed, Jesus charges his disciples with Kingdom building.


Roy said...

Very interesting Bro Ron! Isn't it amazing how much more lively these words are since we walked together through these streets our wonderful Saviour (MESSIAH) walked and saw where they cruicified him and yes, the tomb is still empty! Hallelujah, he is risen! Love bro! Roy

Anonymous said...

I just have a question: several times we have read that Jesus took Peter, James and John with him to some very important events in his life. Why were these three chosen for such times and not all (or different) disciples?

Anonymous said...

I had to come back as I kept reading! In Matthew 28 verses 13-15, it tells where the soldiers told the Priests what they had witnessed about the resurrection. The Chief Priests instructed the soldiers to tell everyone that Jesus' body was stolen by his disciples instead of the truth. Then it says "this story was widely spread among the Jews even to this day". As you read in the Old Testament, it is very obvious to us that the coming of Messiah is being told, and Jesus is the fulfilment of these scriptures. But the Jews don't believe Jesus is Messiah. It would seem that this story created by the priests and elders has also been passed down through the generations and this could explain why Jesus isn't believed to be the Messiah by most Jews in our time. Kind of makes you go "hmmm", doesn't it?

Lynda said...

I've often wondered why Jesus took Peter, James and John on those important events and not all or others. Maybe we'll get an answer here. I also had to go hmmm when the significance of the Cheif Priests command to the soldiers to tell everyone that Jesus' body was stolen by His disciples. It made me wonder if that is in part why there are many Jews today that reject Christ as the Messiah. It's so sad to see what the adversary put in their hearts to do over 2000years ago still has an affect on the Jews today.