Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Matthew 5-7

This 3 chapter section of Matthew is known as "The Sermon on the Mount". This is probably the greatest sermon that has ever been preached. It is a lesson in what it means to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. It's been called, "The Constitution of Messiah's Kingdom". Every believer should know this message inside & out. This is what Jesus requires from all of us. It's a tall order, but His grace is sufficient. Too much here to really comment on in great depth. Just soak it in. Here are some things that will help:
  • The instruction given by Jesus is phenomenal. This is "the way" His Kingdom is to operate.
  • Our failures become very evident when we read this. But this is who Jesus is shaping us to be.
  • In verses 1-2, Jesus is being presented as the "new Moses" : up on a mountain, seated with the disciples, opening His mouth & teaching. The wording takes us back to when Moses gave the Law to Israel. Here Jesus is giving the Law of the Kingdom. Nearly all of this sermon can be traced back into the writings of Moses. Jesus is explaining and interpreting the very Word and Law of God for His followers. Ever wonder what parts of the Old Testament Law are for us? Well, here it is!
  • The teaching begins with how to be "blessed", and it ends with the story of the wise & foolish builders in Matthew 7:24-27. Why would Jesus end all of this magnificent teaching with this story?


Anonymous said...

I love how all the Gospels are written for a specific purpose. Matthew wrote to show the Jews that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah and the fullfilment of the law. In this Sermon, we see how Jesus himself says that He came not to abolish the law of Moses, but rather to complete it - by being the eternal blood sacrifice, though He doesn't say that here.

If we choose to forget all the past history that the Old Testament contains, we miss out on seeing how God ordains and lines up every little detail in our lives. This can be a great comfort when it appears that nothing in our world makes sense.

While Jesus is the Rock of Ages, He also shows Himself time and time again in the OT. In searching thru that, we more clearly see Him in the NT.

I think Jesus wanted to remind His followers that too throw out their past teachings would be to try and wipe His fingerprints off their history. Our faith is built throw looking back on our lives and seeing Him. If we just try and blindly follow the teachings of Jesus, without taking the time to actually find out WHO He is, then we are building our houses on the sand of mostly other peoples preconceived notions about Christ.

Lynda said...

Joelle - You have given a wonderful explanation of how we must search and understand the prophecy of Jesus in the OT to clearly see Him in the NT. I love to refer to the OT when referenced in NT scripture. Sometimes I get so engrossed in reading the OT scripture that I don't get back to what took me there until much later. I love you analysis of the wise and foolish men too.