Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Matthew 8-10

Chapters 8 & 9 give several miracles that were done by Jesus. The Rescue continues as Jesus spreads the shalom (peace) of the Kingdom everywhere He goes. We see Him reaching into terrible circumstances and rescuing people from sin, satan and sickness. Questions: Why would the Holy Spirit inspire Matthew to list these particular miracles? What do these miracles teach us about Messiah Jesus?

Chapter 10 gives the names of Jesus 12 disciples. Why did He pick 12 disciples? Think about the number 12. Where is it used in another part of Scripture? make the connection.

  • We owe a great debt of gratitude to these men. Their dedication and sacrifice helped bring the "good news" of Jesus to us.

  • In verse 5, Jesus sends the 12 to spread the shalom of the Kingdom to the "lost sheep of the house of Israel". Notice that Jesus gives them specific instruction and empowerment. What can we learn from this ministry instruction given to them?


Anonymous said...

I always thought the quote from Isaiah in chapter 8 was referring to Jesus work on the cross, but the correct interpretation of it seems to be about the miracles he did during his ministry. ? .

Anonymous said...

God's compassionate love was so overwhelming to me as I read chapters 8-10 this morning. To see that their faith was enough, that God's love was enough, to heal them inside and out. We try so many times in life to fix things ourselves, when all we need to do is just reach out to Jesus and let Him rescue and restore us. It's so much easier that way. If we can only have faith and believe in Him to do it! Thank You Pastor Ron for leading us to take part in this study together. I am so excited about what God has already shown me.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I am there with Jesus, walking and listning not reading. I am enjoying the walk!

Jeremiah and Joelle said...

as far as your question about why jesus chose 12 disciples, are you talking about the 12 tribes of israel?
i agree with tommy, its been amazing reading through the gospels like this, ive read the gospels many times but it just seems different this time :)

Anonymous said...

I thought it interesting to note Jeremiah's point about the 12 tribes of Israel. I have actually just started reseaching them myself. Is their genealogy listed anywhere, to know who their ancestors where?

Anonymous said...

To Jeremiah:
Re: About choosing 12

That's exactly the reason why Jesus chose 12. Next question, what message was Jesus sending to Israel through this?

Anonymous said...

To Joelle:
Re: Genealogies of Tribes
Genesis 5 list the members of Adam's lineage. Then everybody is wiped out by the flood and things start over with Noah. Noah's descendants are listed in Genesis 10-11. This brings us all the way to Abraham. Abraham's descendants are through Ishmael & Isaac in Genesis 25. We go from Isaac to Jacob and here we get the twelve sons which head up the 12 tribes of Israel - Genesis 35:23-26. In Genesis 49, Jacob speaks over each one of his sons before he dies. That's a real interesting read. This brings us to Numbers 1-3 where Moses takes the first census of Israel. Numbers 26 is a second census. In the book of Joshua, the land is divided by tribe. Joshua probably used the two censuses (sp?) of Moses to solve any questions if there were any. More genealogy info about the tribes are found in 1 Chronicles 1-9. The Gospels use these genealogies to show Jesus' connection to Abraham, David and Adam. These are referenced to prove Jesus' blood-right to be "the seed of Abraham", "the heir to the Throne of David" and "the last Adam" who reversed the curse. This answer will at least get you started.