Saturday, November 8, 2008

Luke 8-9

Luke 9:51-56, stood out as I read these two chapters. Jesus is walking to Jerusalem and His route is going to take Him through a Samaritan village. Jesus sends disciples ahead of Him to make accommodations and provisions for their journey. The Samaritans refuse to let Jesus and His disciples pass through their village. Remember, Samaritans and Jews are arch-enemies. When James and John (the sons of thunder) saw this injustice, they were enraged. They cannot believe these people would treat Jesus like this. Their solution: call down fire from heaven and kill them all (Luke 9:54). Jesus turns and strongly rebukes the disciples for their attitude, "You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them." How does this story apply to us? As believers, the world usually disagrees with us - in life, in family, in politics, in morals, in the treatment of people, etc. How are we to handle these disagreements? Let's be honest, sometimes we wish God would just come and wipe "the sinners" off the face of the earth (or let us do it). But Jesus rebukes this attitude. This is not the heart of Jesus, but rather the view of the spirit of darkness and destruction. But some will say, "God is going to judge the sinners anyway and wipe them out. And my anger is righteous and just." Be very careful here. The disciples in this story felt they were righteous and just in their anger, as well. They even gave Scriptural precedence to justify their wrong attitude - Elijah did it. Do not twist the Scripture to fit your attitude. Rather, change your attitude to fit the Scripture. The most dangerous believer alive is one who feels justified by their sin, anger, bitterness, gossip or unforgiveness. Jesus teaches us not to hope for destruction, but rather hope for their salvation. Hoping for destruction and judgment will cause us to fail in our mission of sharing The Gospel. We will still disagree with the world, but watch your anger and attitude. Repentance is needed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This passage got very personal with me the other day when God showed me that I often have this problem towards His Body. I think I have the right to get upset with what I see as problems, and that I can pray judgement and wake up calls down from Heaven. God really convicted me of the way that I see His Body and how quick I am to judge the intentions and faith of other believers.